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Arsenal FC SEMS Conference 2013

Dr O’Driscoll has asked me to make practitioners aware of the 2013 Arsenal FC SEMS Conference, run by the AFC Medical Department and held at Emirates Stadium on 25 March 2013. Please find current information below.

To register online and secure your place, please go to

There is limited capacity of 30 attendees per tour for the two tours of Emirates during the day. If you wish to join one of these, please confirm this when you register.

Another good article on chronic neck pain

Another good article on chronic neck pain

The lower cervical spine is a key area for chronic neck pain, cervical nerve root pain, thoracic outlet problems and referred pain to the upper thoracic spine. Frequently, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, and forearm tendonitis have a cervical component.

Neck pain can be treated with low gentle techniques here in Edinburgh

This article on upper neck pain was found by one of my patients who does not like traditional strong manipulation. I was trained at the European School of Osteopathy and learned cranial osteopathy, traditional osteopathy, massage, muscle energy. One of the most important practical sessions included how to approach and treat acute neck pain without causing distress to the patient.