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The Golfer’s Back

As an Edinburgh osteopath, one of the most rejuvenating treatments I offer is the one hour fleximatic session to increase the flexibility of a golfer’s back. This treatment is simple and pain free loosing up the deep ligaments and muscles which surround the hip joints, back, shoulders and neck.

Another good article on chronic neck pain

Another good article on chronic neck pain

The lower cervical spine is a key area for chronic neck pain, cervical nerve root pain, thoracic outlet problems and referred pain to the upper thoracic spine. Frequently, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, and forearm tendonitis have a cervical component.

Neck pain can be treated with low gentle techniques here in Edinburgh

This article on upper neck pain was found by one of my patients who does not like traditional strong manipulation. I was trained at the European School of Osteopathy and learned cranial osteopathy, traditional osteopathy, massage, muscle energy. One of the most important practical sessions included how to approach and treat acute neck pain without causing distress to the patient.

Post Operative Prolapsed Disc: Pain Management

Previous articles in this blog explain that bending forward with your arms unsupported when sitting in a chair, results in an increasing lumbar disc pressure over the years.

If you are recovering from a prolapsed disc or back operation, it is important to keep lumbar pressure as low as possible for the first few months or even up to a year depending on the type of prolapsed disc you have suffered from.