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Knee Pain

Frontal Knee Pain is one of the most commonest conditions I see as an Osteopath here in Edinburgh. This is the pain you feel when you walk up and down stairs and you think it is going to improve but niggles and niggles on.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Osteopathy has worked with different shoulder pain but the biceps tendon is a thick tendon which takes a great deal of mechanical loading during the whole day.

Feet Pain

I am seeing an increased number in the cases of feet pain in people under the age of 40. Foot pain can be a tricky problem to treat, especially heel pain and pain caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick connective tissue which supports the arch of the foot.

The Golfer's Back

As an Edinburgh osteopath, one of the most rejuvenating treatments I offer is the one hour fleximatic session to increase the flexibility of a golfer’s back. This treatment is simple and pain free loosing up the deep ligaments and muscles which surround the hip joints, back, shoulders and neck.