Shockwaves are naturally boosting and restarted your own bodies tissue healing responses and so it is vital that when your book in for a course of shockwaves that your shockwave clinician has a through extensive knowledge and understanding of differential diagnosis and early stage, mid stage and end stage rehabiitation. The shockwaves are not drugs they work on the cellular level and so work synigistically with skilled quality rehabilitation
There are plenty of online qualitiy rehabilitation courses so please ensure that your rehabilitation is adapted to the cellular healing responses stimulated by shockwaves which may be the radial shockwave or the Focused shockwaves Please ask which shockwaves your are being having Here is the video clip on what is the difference between Focused shockwaves and Radial shockwaves
For your shockwaves to work effectiving one needs a good knowledge in Rehab such as by Physiotutors