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Back Pain and Cefar Compex Rehab 400


I have been working with back pain here in Edinburgh now for over 25 years attending conferences organised by Scottish Osteopathic Society, British Exercise and Sports Medicine,  Arsenal Sports and Exercise Conference 2012   and many others.  What is brilliant is that research has improved dramatically over the past 10 years because the elite athletics have to get back into their sport with a few weeks or days if possible.

Here is a small highly advanced rehabilitation equipment with reviews, which under professional supervision has been improving challenging cases and gives more hope to stubborn weak painful injuries.

Here are the  English Rugby Team using Compex

This is one of the ways that technology has moved the treatments of muscles, neurology and orthopeadic  rehabilitation into a new strategic because as you can see from the website sites this is portable and can be taken with them to be used through the world

It is because muscles, tendons and ligaments are highly sensitive to switching off , wasting and giving pain and must gentle switch and recruit the motor units and this is a highly skilled sensitive technology.    This means that you can attempt to do a physiotherapy exercise but somehow your muscle will not contract or contracts very slowly and weakly.If you look through this website you will see that one applies the rehab and goes through the drills and this switches on the inhibited motor nerve unit.    This is one reason why elite footballers can come back faster that the rest of us but as you can see this technology is advanced and expensive but then if you want to win the Premier League then you have to be one step ahead of the rest.

One can attempt to exercise one`s slow twitch core Pilates muscles but they can not always work you can use the wrong muscles which will cause further pain and discomfort. It is truly amazing though to me that  research has been able to find out and identify and using the right technology used by a well trained person  it is highly beneficial.


Back Pain and Cefar Compex Rehab 400


Low Back Spinal Pain  with shockwave therapy

Low Back Spinal Pain with shockwave therapy

Low Back Spinal Pain with Dr Tomas Nedelka Podcast with James Woledge  Osteopath     Low back pain or spinal low back pain  for is a highly complex and some stage many people will go and have an x-ray, or MRI scan. There are certain conditions such as cauda...

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