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Edinburgh Sports Medicine Conference with International Speakers from Fifa NFL

Here is below the programme which is exceptional with speakers from USA and Europe. There will be five key topics of discussion which the conference will be themed around these are
1.hamstrings injuries
2.shoulder injuries
4.knee injuries
5.hip injuries

The conference will bring together physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons, general practitioners, sports and exercise medicine doctors and wider health professionals together to network and engage with commissions working for some of the world’s most renowned sports organisations. This event will take delegates through the journey of the injured elite athlete from pitch side to recover, emphasising the multidisciplinary approach undertaken and its application to attendees and their practice speakers will include those supporting
the Federation of International football Association
International Olympic Committee
International rugby
National football league American football
major league baseball
National basketball Association
Sail GP
international golf

North American space agency NASA


Edinburgh Sports Medicine Conference with International Speakers from Fifa NFL


What is EMTT

Here is a nice video clip made by Vennhealthcare on EMTT EMTT Patient focused Video -

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