Shockwave therapy has been in use for over 20 years in the NHS for kidneys stones. From feedback from patients they really enjoy watching Paul Hobrough`s most recent video on Shockwave Therapy.
Helen has been providing shockwave therapy now for over 4 years. The most important factor is that whoever uses shockwave therapy should be attending as many advanced sports and exercise conferences as possible. The exercise prescription you provide alongside shockwave therapy assessment and diagnosis is absolutely key to any comfortable outcomes. Many conditions cannot be treated using shockwave therapy as shockwave therapy is for encouraging better cellular regeneration such as in your muscles and very slowly in your tendons and ligaments.
Paul Hobrough (Lead Physiotherapist for Lucozade sport, Sweatshop UK, Running with Us coaching, and Humanrace events and author of Running Free of Injuries: From Pain to Personal Best and writer for Runners World) On Shockwave Therapy ESWT for Musculoskeletal Disorders. Paul Hobrough of Physio&Therapy UK is an avid user of the Storz medical MP100 Ultra shockwave device. Paul uses Shockwave for the treatment of a number of MSK conditions including tendinopathies and lumbar spine. He has treated many UK and Olympic athletes including Steve Cram, Aly Dixon and Paula Radcliffe. Paul has treated these athletes and many others (approximately 20 people per week) with the device and is extremely impressed at the increase in speed of recovery of all patients who undergo SWT as part of their treatment. Paul tells us why we should stop reading old science on Shockwave therapy and listen to new research. He explains how countries like Germany, Australia and Switzerland have fully embraced this technology and are subsequently further ahead than the UK. Paul dispels Shockwave myths, this is not just for consultants this is also for therapists, contraindications for this treatment are actually less than massage. Venn Healthcare have been supplying a range of radial and focused Shockwave Therapy devices manufactured by Storz Medical to over 450 hospitals/clinics in the UK. Inc Royal Orthopedic Hospital. For more information visit More on Paul…
Helen has been using shockwave therapy now for over three years and as you can see highly recommends the book written by Paul Holborough. Helen has attended many courses on shockwave therapy, and shockwave therapy should always be accompanied with good case history taking, clinical examination, and differential diagnosis.
Paul gives excellent courses on shockwave therapy and running injuries.
The interview on Helen should include Paul Holbough as many who has influenced her in her interest in Sports and exercise medicine.

The V actor handpiece as shown below in this image is providing the most requested treatment approach as it is as straightforward unique massage handpiece which provide greater relaxation and loosening of strong hard tight muscular spasms such as to be found in your back muscles, gluteal muscles, hamstring and quadriceps. Interestingly it is much less painful than the traditional sports massage given by the elbow and strong hands and yet appears to be much more relaxing and more effective for some people. This is one of the reasons why Helen can almost be too busy especially as she takes an interest in keeping the prices for such excellent German equipment affordable at between £45-£50 per session which is around 50 minutes. 10 minutes is for taking case history and updating your notes