Helen has now been using shockwave therapy successfully for over three years here in Edinburgh and keeps the prices at an affordable cost because it is important that patients are able to afford to come back to complete their treatment, so some treatment sessions can take up to 6 to 8 for long-term conditions such as proximal hamstring tendinopathy, some long-term chronic Achilles tendinopathy, some of the planter fasciitis is take much longer to treat depending on your age She strongly believes that shockwave therapy should be kept to a reasonable affordable cost so that one can return for maintenance treatment which is important for her athletes and for all the rest of us As you can read Helen recently attended a conference in London and shockwave continues to be part of NICE Please look at the slides from this recent Conference as Helen was the only practitioner to attend from Scotland so she has the full copy of lecture notes and slides at her practice
Here is Shockwave Therapy being used on a horse – it has been used for years on horses on simple conditions and while Shockwave is not going to be the magic cure at least it should be offered in this country at affordable costs as it is still slowing being introduced to some parts of the country in the NHS. In the meantime you have to search to find out if you can afford the suggested protocol of 3 treatment sessions