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Your Knee Pain which at over your Knee Cap or Patella


It’s common to have front knee pain at some stage of your life as your patella – knee cap – is in constant use as you walk up and down stairs or hills.

A properly-functioning knee cap travels up and down a small narrow groove. Sometimes, however, it gets slightly diverted, resulting in increasing soft tissue irritation which is aggravated by walking up and down stairs

Getting your knee cap or patella to stay in the centre of your knee is tricky, requiring various rehabilitation exercises, many of which are difficult to do without attending a Premier League Rehabilitation Centre with swimming pools and expensive exercise equipment.

Even with such amazing rehabilitation centres Britain still has problems in supporting athletes to become world champions or even reaching the quarter finals of a competition.

For non-athletes, we have to hope that our knee caps remain positioned in the centre of our knees so that we don’t experience pain at the front of our knees.

More about less frequently-occurring causes of knee pain another time.


Your Knee Pain which at over your Knee Cap or Patella


Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain and or PatellaFemoral Pain is a very common disabling pain.  Helen recently attended the excellent course on Weekend Warriors for  runners held in Brighton.  One of the lecture mornings was given by Claire Robertson whose special interest and research is...

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